Ministry Team and Staff
'Now there are a variety of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are a variety of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone'.
1 Corinthians 12.4-5
Our St Paul's ministry team is made up of our Vicar, Curate, Children and Family Worker, licensed lay ministers and lay officers (Wardens, Treasurer). We also benefit from having a number of priests associated with the parish who have full-time ministries elsewhere. At anytime we can also have a number of ordinands (trainee priests) with us from a variety of different theological colleges, they enrich our ministry in many ways.
As we are a Community Centre as well as a parish church, our ministry team works alongside our staff who manage the smooth operation of the day to day activities at the centre, and manage our bookings. We all work together to help St Paul's be a church that proclaims the love of God in a variety of ways.
If you can support the work of our church, or wish to join our planned giving scheme, click here:
Rev'd Imogen Nay
Prior to coming to St Paul's Church, Imogen has ministered in parishes in South London and the Midlands, and was a residentiary Canon at Chelmsford Cathedral. Prior to ordination she worked with the vulnerably housed, those suffering from addictions, and worked to find safe routes for women out of sex work in the east end of London.
She studied to be a priest in Cambridge and is excited to be back living here with her family. She has a husband and twin boys. Imogen is a committed Christian environmentalist and longs to see deeper integration in our lives, which have become disconnected and fragmented. She has a deep sense of love for children and young people and believes they have much to teach us about God. She is also passionate about teaching and preaching, and believes that the arts have a significant role to play in helping us live vibrant lives connected to our loving God.
For general information about the church, its worship and activities, and for baptism, confirmation, prayers of love and faith (for same-sex couples), wedding or funeral enquiries please contact Imogen.
Rev'd Dr Becky Applin Warner
Assistant Curate (self-supporting)
Becky was deaconed at the end of June 2024 and started as Assistant Curate at St Paul's. Becky is a musician, mostly working as a theatre composer after originally training to compose for film. She is also a researcher, author and lecturer in musical theatre. She grew up and studied in Cambridge, and now lives in a small rural village outside Ely. She loves nature and the outdoors, as well as all things creative.
Joanne Koehler
Centre Manager (staff member)
Joanne is our operational lead at our busy church and community centre. Before joining St Paul’s, she worked in a primary school as an admin officer, and at the Cambridge University Library prior to her school role.
She believes in the importance of nurturing children and young adults through gentle guidance. Bringing people together around shared goals has always been her passion and she is very keen to make a difference. And so, she is exactly where she wants to be at St Paul’s Church.
Email: office@stpaulscambridge.org.uk
Anna Pile
Children and Family Worker (staff member)
Anna leads our work with children and families, having extensive experience in working with children and families in a church and play setting. She received her degree from Ridley College in Cambridge, and so is no stranger to the city. She is passionate about Godly Play and sharing with children the love of God. If you would like to find out about what your children and young people could expect if they came to our church, do contact Anna, she'd love to hear from you.
Email: anna@stpaulscambridge.org.uk
Emma Caroe
Community Development Worker (staff member)
“Hello, I’m Emma! I’ve lived in Cambridge for three years as a student, but having graduated in June, I’m now settling into the non-university part of the city and have been coming to St Paul’s on Sunday mornings for about a month. At university, I studied Sociology and Politics, and was involved in campaigning and activism for social and environmental justice. I also sang in Clare Choir, and this year I have a choral scholarship at St Martin-in-the-Fields, London. I’m so grateful for the welcome I’ve received at St Paul’s and am excited to continue and develop its important work in community outreach.”
Email: emma@stpaulscambridge.org.uk
Julia Evans
Licensed Lay Minister - Emeritus.
Julia Evans is a Licensed Lay Minister and is involved in leading and speaking at St Paul's and children and families work. She is now retired from primary school teaching which gives her time to be involved in the various programmes at St. Paul's. Julia loves the wide and varied friendships and community of St. Paul's, and is fortunate to have her 2 children living close by with whom she and her husband Martin spend time with, particularly her 8 year old granddaughter Wren who teaches her much about God and life. Unfortunately she also likes food and all things sparkly but tries to contain both! She is currently learning to play the piano, a long time wish, and in the hope of keeping her mind 'nimbleish.'
Contact Julia about our hospitality programme. julia@stpaulscambridge.org.uk
Christina Barry
Licensed Lay Minister
Christina Barry has been involved in the life of St Paul’s church and school since joining the parish in 1985. Life events in recent years led to a ministry in pastoral care and she is now a Licensed Lay Minister. Christina supports ministry with the elderly at St Paul’s in this time of growing need and vulnerability and has developed a good relationship between the church and St George’s Court Nursing Home. Christina is still active as a singing teacher and has two adult children living abroad who she enjoys visiting when it is possible.
Contact Christina about ministry with older people, and for Tuesday Cuppa information. christina@stpaulscambridge.org.uk
Helen Robbins
Music Co-ordinator
Helen Robbins is the Music Co-ordinator at St Paul’s. She plays the piano, violin, sings and (occasionally) plays the organ. Helen is an experienced choir leader, working in schools, workplaces and within local communities. Her passion is to connect people through the joy of singing and making music together, whatever age, experience or confidence. On Sundays at St Paul’s, there is a group of singers and instrumentalists who contribute regularly to Sunday worship. Helen is married to Alasdair, has two grown-up daughters and has been part of the St Paul’s community since 1999. If you would like to get involved in music here, please contact Helen via the church office.en Robbins is the Music Co-ordinator at St Paul’s. She plays the piano, violin, sings and (occasionally) plays the organ.
Chris Rose
Ordained Minister
Chris Rose and his wife Sarah have been involved at St Paul's for over 25 years and their two children grew up at St Paul's. Chris was ordained at Ely Cathedral in July 2000 and was appointed non stipendiary (unpaid) curate at St Paul’s to develop new forms of services and to be a voice for marginalised communities. He continued in this role until 2011 when he was appointed Priest in Charge at St Clements Eastcheap. He is the Director of small creative human rights organisation Amos Trust which seeks to challenge injustice, build hope and create change. This work focusses on promoting the rights of Palestinians, creating opportunities for girls living on the streets (focussing on South Africa, India, Burundi and Tanzania) and calling for Climate Justice. St Pauls has close links to Amos work in Palestine, with Amos’ partner projects working with girls on the streets in India and Burundi and with their climate justice partner in Nicaragua. Prior to working at Amos Chris was CEO of Romsey Mill in Cambridge and comes from a youth work background. He has a love of cycling, Derby County, a wide range of contemporary music and of trying not to take life too seriously.
Rev'd Dr Tim Boniface
Tim Boniface is an ordained member of the congregation, who assists in leading services, preaching and playing music at St Paul's. Tim and his family have been associated with St Paul's since 2014, and are delighted to be among the church family since returning to Cambridge in 2020. Tim is Chaplain at Girton College in Cambridge, where he oversees the life of the Chapel, offers spiritual support and is part of the College’s general welfare structure. Alongside this he works as a jazz musician - teaching, recording and performing around the UK jazz scene mainly on saxophones and piano. Tim’s theology PhD explored ideas about what it means for Christian to say that Jesus is transcendent; and he is also interested in the relationship between theology and the arts.
Laura Swindell
Assistant Centre Manager (staff member)
Laura joined the staff team at St Paul's in spring 2024 after many years working with children as a TA in Primary and Secondary schools settings.
Other Contacts
Liz Diamond- Church Warden
Jonathan Chaplin - Church Warden
Andrew Chaplin- Treasurer
Frances Harris - Safeguarding Officer
'Beloved let us love one another'
'Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God, for God is love'
1 John 4:7-8

Find us
St Paul's Church & Community Centre
Hills Road
Registered Charity No: 1132965
Make a Donation https://www.parishgiving.org.uk/donors/find-your-parish/cambridge-st-paul-cambridge/
We are committed to Safeguarding children, young people, victims/perpetrators of domestic abuse and vulnerable adults.
The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice as shown on the Church of England’s website: https://www.churchofengland.org/more/safeguarding. Our specific policy is here. If you have any non-urgent questions or concerns please contact our Safeguarding Officer on safeguarding@stpaulscambridge.org.uk
Safe Spaces
Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service foranyone who has experienced abuse in relation to the Church of England, the Church in Wales, or the Catholic Church of England and Wales. This could be abuse by someone who holds any role in the church or is linked to participating in a church-led activity or group. If you have been affected, however long ago, Safe Spaces can provide you with support. You do not have need to have told the police or the church authorities, and you do not have to still be involved with the church. Your information will not be shared without your consent, unless you or someone else is in immediate danger. Safe Spaces can provide a range of help, including advocating with authorities and other agencies, giving emotional support, providing information (including information on church and police procedures), understanding your needs and working together on individual support plans. Tel: 0300 303 1056 (answerphone available outside of opening times) safespaces@victimsupport.org.uk. LiveChat - via the Safe Spaces website - https://www.safespacesenglandandwales.org.uk/.
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