• St Paul's Church








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    Welcome to St Paul's Church - a vibrant church at the heart of Cambridge

    Imogen, our Vicar, writes:


    I look forward to welcoming you to St Paul's - a busy community centre and worshipping community at the heart of Cambridge. We are a community that travels with questions: there are no easy answers in life and we live in complex and challenging times. Faith is not an easy win either, but it has the potential, if engaged with seriously, to be liberating. Faith in God offers a pathway that provides signposts, wells and springs, not fixed answers and certainty, but waymarkers and sustenance for the journey.


    Most of all, being part of a faith community, means just that, belonging to a community. Having a place where you can be yourself, a place to call 'home' is a true blessing. We pray that you'll find a home here. To that end we seek to be a church which is generous and hospitable enough to encourage and welcome diversity. We have an active inclusive church group who work with me to try and make church an accessible and safe place for all.


    Rev'd Imogen Nay: vicar@stpaulscambridge.org.uk

    Parish Office: 01223 576899



    Notices and News

    Keep up to date with what's happening at St Paul's in our latest newsletter 

    To join the weekly email list, scroll down to sign up!


    Support our Parish!

    Make a donation or join our Parish Giving Scheme:



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    ArtsFest 2024

    St Paul's at its creative best. Offering space for us to encounter one another, our world and our own selves afresh, in openess and hope.

    4 days of performance, workshops, talks and art. 


    Visit www.stpaulsartsfest.org to find out more


    Hire our Halls

    We have a variety of different-sized spaces available for hire.

    Meeting rooms, large rooms for events, dance lessons, social gatherings and more.

    Come and explore our rooms 

    Email bookings@stpaulscambridge.org.uk with any enquiries.



    'See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God' 1 John 3.1

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     Services at St Paul's

    All are Welcome

    Our main service is on Sundays at 10.30am in the Church Hall. Come via the Hills Road entrance - you will be welcomed at the door and shown where to go.


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    Eating Together

    Hospitality is at the heart of St Paul's. We regularly share our stories together around the meal table. We have three community meals a week.

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    A group for 11-16 year olds.


    The Youth Group meet for discussion every other week during the 10.30am Sunday service. They also have social outings. Contact the Vicar for more information.

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    Playgroup for babies and toddlers

    Every Monday (Term time only)
    10 - 11:45am


    Lower Hall, St Paul's Church

    Main entrance on Hills Road and then turn left, through the double doors. Parents/carers must stay with their children. We look forward to welcoming you.

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    Simple Supper

    Every Monday

    6pm in the Lower Hall, main entrance on Hills Road, then turn left and through the double doors

    £2 voluntary contribution

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    Thursday lunch CLUB

    Every week at 12.30pm - for EVERYONE- all are welcome

    Please join us for a delicious home cooked meal

    (2 courses with tea & coffee)

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    Eco Church leads the congregation's efforts to become more ecologically faithful. We received the Silver Award from Arocha in May 2021. Visit our website HERE    




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    FRIDAY Lunch Club

    Every Friday in the Lower Hall for the older generation

    12:30pm - 1:30pm / £5


    Please join us for a delicious home cooked meal

    (2 courses with tea & coffee)

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    Men's Breakfast

    Conversation, Consolation & Great Grub

    Third Saturday every month



    Venue: The Earl of Derby Pub, Hills Road