St Paul's Church
The Parish Church Council (PCC)
The Structure of St Paul's
The overall governing body of St. Paul’s is the Parochial Church Council (PCC) which is Chaired by the Vicar.
The role of the Council is to co-operate with the Minister on mission and ministry in the parish.
Members of the PCC are are also charity trustees and are legally responsible for the governance of St. Paul’s.
The current members are:
The Rev'd Imogen Nay - Chair
Liz Diamond- Church Warden
Jonathan Chaplin- Church Warden
Andrew Chaplin- Treasurer
Elisabeth von Rabenau (PCC Secretary)
Bryony Trill (Eco Church)
Rob McCorquodale (Inclusive Church)
Christina Barry (Licensed Lay Minister)
Mark Elliott (Chair of Commerce Group)
Lucia Chaplin (Eco Church)
Helen Flynn
Peter Bone
St Paul's is a registered charity: 1132965 at www.charitycommision.gov.uk
The role of the PCC is to co-operate with the minister (Vicar) in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical; (1956 PCC Measure). This means that the PCC provides oversight, governance and development regarding:
- Support to the Vicar in the whole mission of the church: pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical.
- The financial management of the church and all its activities, including budget setting and budget management
- The management and maintenance of the church buildings
- The safeguarding of all people that have a relationship with the church using the Diocese of Ely policies (www.elydiocese.org/safeguarding.php)
- The well being of the congregation and the wider community of St. Paul's
- Maintaining an effective reporting and accountability structure
- Outreach into the parish and wider community
- Pastoral support for vicar and staff
- Being part of the diocesan structure, receiving reports from Deanery and Diocesan Synod
- Taking up appropriate international, national and local issues, including those that might be led by the Church of England
The latest PCC minutes can be read here.
House of Bishops Safeguarding Guidance 'Promoting a Safer church'
This framework helps to direct the work of the PCC.
Our Story
History of St. Paul’s and Remembrance
Remember Us
St. Paul’s Remembers 1914-18 – recollections of stories from World War I
History of St. Paul’s and Remembrance
The site was sold by Caius College in 1839 to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and the church was built as a chapel of ease in 1841 at a cost of £5,766. It became an independent parish a few years later. It was designed by Ambrose Poynter (1796-1886), a pupi lof John Nash who had a long and wide-ranging career as a church architect. Designated a Grade II building, the interior of the church was converted in 1996 and then again in 20—to create a more flexible space for church gatherings and for community use. (link to Community Section (the introductory read more)
www.historicengland.org.uk Church of St. Paul, Cambridge 1349075

Find us
St Paul's Church & Community Centre
Hills Road
Registered Charity No: 1132965
Make a Donation https://www.parishgiving.org.uk/donors/find-your-parish/cambridge-st-paul-cambridge/
We are committed to Safeguarding children, young people, victims/perpetrators of domestic abuse and vulnerable adults.
The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice as shown on the Church of England’s website: https://www.churchofengland.org/more/safeguarding. Our specific policy is here. If you have any non-urgent questions or concerns please contact our Safeguarding Officer on safeguarding@stpaulscambridge.org.uk
Safe Spaces
Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service foranyone who has experienced abuse in relation to the Church of England, the Church in Wales, or the Catholic Church of England and Wales. This could be abuse by someone who holds any role in the church or is linked to participating in a church-led activity or group. If you have been affected, however long ago, Safe Spaces can provide you with support. You do not have need to have told the police or the church authorities, and you do not have to still be involved with the church. Your information will not be shared without your consent, unless you or someone else is in immediate danger. Safe Spaces can provide a range of help, including advocating with authorities and other agencies, giving emotional support, providing information (including information on church and police procedures), understanding your needs and working together on individual support plans. Tel: 0300 303 1056 (answerphone available outside of opening times) safespaces@victimsupport.org.uk. LiveChat - via the Safe Spaces website - https://www.safespacesenglandandwales.org.uk/.
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